Friday, October 17, 2014

My favourite YouTubers :D


It's fall.... You know, it's rainy, cloudy, a bit cold and all that can be bored. When I'm bored I watch some YouTube videos from some amazing YouTubers. You can watch them too and trust me you won't be disappointed. They are some of my favourite YouTubers and I really love them! <333

1. ThatcherJoe


2. Zoella

3. JaksGap

4. Caspar

5. Bethany Mota

6. Marcus Butler

7. CutePolish

8. Jim Chapman

9. IISuperwomanII

10. PointlessBlog

(It isn't in any order)

It's better when you watch with someone! Usually I watch them with my best friend (B).
Now you know what to do, so watch and enjoy!!! <3 :D





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